Fall is finally here! It has happened… temperatures have dropped, and there is a crisp, cool feeling in the air. In Texas, although the calendar says it is autumn in September, we still have weeks of summer ahead of us. We count the days until we can bid farewell to triple digit temperatures and say hello to all things pumpkin… spice, pie, lattes, patches… and sweater weather! Fall brings with it a beauty and atmosphere all its own, with its own celebrations and traditions unlike any other season.
nature’s transformation

As with each season, autumn announces its arrival throughout nature. One of my favorite sites is the beautiful variety in the color of the leaves. The reds, yellows, oranges, greens, golds and browns dot the landscape and put on quite a show. Avid “leaf lookers” plan October trips to New England to bask in their famous fall landscapes. In Texas, our leaves take a little longer to turn, but we can look forward to striking foliage in November.
all things pumpkin

Autumn also brings the previously mentioned pumpkin harvest, along with other gourds and berries. The variety of pumpkins alone is amazing. Traditional “Jack-o-lantern” orange pumpkins are plentiful, but the addition of Italian Stripe, Cinderella, White Casper, Jarrahdale, Fairytale, One Too Many , Crown Prince, and Knucklehead (just to name a few) offer colors and textures to create stunning fall displays.
Crown Prince Pumpkins Fairytale Pumpkin Knucklehead Pumpkins Italian Stripe Pumpkins
Cinderella Pumpkins One Too Many Pumpkin Jarrahdale Pumpkins White Casper Pumpkins Porcelain Doll Pink Pumpkins
thanksgiving – celebrating a bountiful harvest

One traditional symbol of autumn is the cornucopia, or horn of plenty, which symbolizes an abundance of nourishment. Today, it is closely tied to our Thanksgiving holiday, where we express gratitude for the harvest and God’s provision. The first Thanksgiving celebrated the fall harvest with a festival between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, and in 1941, the US Congress permanently established observation of the holiday on the fourth Thursday in November.
We’ve added a few traditions since that first celebration. Perhaps your family/friends might start the day watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade while waiting for the turkey to come out of the oven. At our house, we gather around a jigsaw puzzle that takes all day to complete. Some retreat outside to toss a football or challenge one another to a game of cornhole. After way too many helpings from our feast, some find a spot to nap, while others indulge in a slice (or two) of pie while watching football on television. There are always one or two who are seriously plotting their holiday shopping strategy for the following day, Black Friday.
No matter how the day is celebrated, it’s a day when we draw close to one another. Family and friends who may be scattered near and far come together for this day. Unlike any other holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is a day specifically set aside to acknowledge our blessings and the One who gave them to us.
Home Decor
With such a plentiful selection provided by nature, it is easy to bring the season inside to decorate the home. This can be as simple as gathering acorns, pine cones, and leafy branches from your yard and arranging them in your favorite containers, or pulling together an assortment of mini pumpkins on any table. Fill a shallow bowl with small gourds, nuts and seasonal fruits and vegetables to create your own modern-day cornucopia.
If you want to take your Thanksgiving table up a notch, delight your guests with floral arrangements that incorporate the season’s vibrant hues and textures.
Fall floral arrangements are as much about textures as about the colors. Lilium designers pull in touches of autumn, like bittersweet berries, ilex berries, lotus pods, bullit allium and thistle. These are easily paired with fall gourds, ornamental kale and artichokes, as well as traditional florals like hydrangea, roses, orchids, lilies and seasonal dahlias. Dried grasses and colorful leaves add even more to the festive fall presentation.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it isn’t too early to think about a centerpiece for your holiday table. Lilium will be delivering arrangements throughout the DFW area through Wednesday, November 23. Call early for the best selection: 817-481-1565, or place your order online at: www.liliumflorals.com.