Some call it “paying it forward.” Others refer to it as performing “random acts of kindness.” Whatever term you use, the act is manifested when you feel so blessed that you want someone else to get that same feeling. When your heart is overflowing, you want to share the love. As we wrap up a season focused on being thankful, and turn our thoughts toward the joy of the Christmas season, it seems a fitting time to exercise a bit of goodwill toward others.

Often, the feel-good stories don’t get much attention. The deed is done quietly, unassumingly, with no desire for recognition. Have you had someone in front of you at a drive-through window pay for your order? Or had your restaurant check paid by another diner? There is no way to return the favor, you just accept it graciously. Hopefully, it inspires you to repeat the gesture for another lucky recipient, or to come up with your own unique way to bless someone.

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